Jharkhand Budget 2024-25: Key Highlights

Jharkhand Budget 2024-25: The Jharkhand government’s budget for the fiscal year 2024-25, as unveiled by Finance Minister Rameshwar Oraon, marks a transformative approach towards fostering sustainable growth and equitable development across the state. With an expansive allocation aimed at revitalizing various sectors, this budget seeks to lay down a roadmap for holistic development. Below are the key highlights and strategic initiatives encapsulated in bullet points, designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the budget’s focus areas.

Key Highlights and Allocations:

  • Agricultural Enhancement and Farmer Support Jharkhand Budget 2024-25 :
    • Increase in agricultural loan waiver limit from Rs 50,000 to Rs 2 lakh to alleviate farmers’ financial burdens.
    • Allocation of Rs 4606 crore towards the agricultural sector for enhancing productivity and sustainability.
  • Food Security and Nutritional Support Jharkhand Budget 2024-25 :
    • Expansion of the state food security scheme to include 25 lakh beneficiaries, up from 20 lakh.
    • Introduction of soyabean chunks along with dal and rice to improve the nutritional intake of beneficiaries.
  • Housing and Infrastructure Development Jharkhand Budget 2024-25 :
    • Plan to construct 3.50 lakh houses under the ‘Abua Awas Yojana‘ in 2024-25.
    • Strategic investment in infrastructure development, including roads and urban housing projects.
  • Healthcare and Maternal Health Jharkhand Budget 2024-25 :
    • Allocation of Rs 90 crore for distributing maternal kits to 6 lakh beneficiaries, encompassing essentials for maternal and infant health.
    • A comprehensive healthcare budget aimed at strengthening tertiary care, including the establishment of a medical college and Medico City in Ranchi.
  • Education and Skill Development Jharkhand Budget 2024-25 :
    • Opening of 325 block-level leader schools and establishment of 19 colleges, including four for women, to promote higher education.
    • Set up of a State Technology Park at BIT Sindri to foster innovation and technical education.
  • Social Welfare and Empowerment Initiatives Jharkhand Budget 2024-25 :
    • Increase in honorarium for village heads (Mukhiyas), ward members, and block chiefs to empower local governance structures.
    • Provision of 125 units of free electricity per month to over 19 lakh households to promote energy conservation and reduce financial burdens.
  • Support for SC-ST and Minority Communities in Jharkhand Budget 2024-25 :
    • A significant budget allocation of Rs 3523.55 crore for the welfare of SC-ST communities and minorities to foster inclusive development.
    • Implementation of targeted programs for education, employment, and entrepreneurship opportunities for these groups.
  • Women and Child Development in Jharkhand Budget 2024-25 :
    • Launch of initiatives like Kishori Samriddhi Yojana and Chief Minister Kanyadan Yojana to promote girl child education, prevent child marriage, and support women’s empowerment.
    • Financial assistance for young women’s marriages and educational incentives for girl students.
  • Pension Schemes and Social Security in Jharkhand Budget 2024-25 :
    • An allocation of Rs 8021 crore for pension schemes, highlighting the government’s focus on social security for the elderly, women, and children.
    • Enhancement of financial support mechanisms to provide a safety net for vulnerable populations.
  • Economic Development and Employment Generation in Jharkhand Budget 2024-25 :
    • Vision to make Jharkhand a Rs 10 trillion economy by 2030, with strategic investments aimed at fostering economic growth and creating employment opportunities.
    • An investment of Rs 20,710 crore envisioned to create around one lakh direct and indirect jobs in the upcoming fiscal year.
  • Sustainable Development and Environmental Conservation:
    • Focus on green initiatives and sustainable development projects to ensure environmental conservation and promote the use of renewable energy sources.
    • Implementation of water conservation projects and initiatives aimed at preserving the state’s biodiversity.

Conclusion on Jharkhand Budget 2024-25:

The Jharkhand Budget 2024-25 represents a comprehensive plan to address the multifaceted challenges of development, with a keen focus on agriculture, healthcare, education, social welfare, and economic growth. Through targeted interventions and strategic allocations, the budget aims to pave the way for sustainable development, social empowerment, and economic prosperity, ensuring that the benefits of growth are equitably shared among all sections of society. As the state embarks on this ambitious journey, the effective implementation of these initiatives will be crucial in realizing the vision of a more prosperous, inclusive, and resilient Jharkhand.

  1. What is the increased limit for agricultural loan waivers announced in the Jharkhand Budget 2024-25?
    • A) Rs 25,000
    • B) Rs 50,000
    • C) Rs 1 lakh
    • D) Rs 2 lakh
    • Answer: D) Rs 2 lakh
  2. How many beneficiaries are planned to be covered under the state food security scheme as per the Jharkhand Budget 2024-25?
    • A) 15 lakh
    • B) 20 lakh
    • C) 25 lakh
    • D) 30 lakh
    • Answer: C) 25 lakh
  3. Under the ‘Abua Awas Yojana’, how many houses does the Jharkhand Budget 2024-25 aim to construct?
    • A) 1.50 lakh
    • B) 2.50 lakh
    • C) 3.50 lakh
    • D) 4.50 lakh
    • Answer: C) 3.50 lakh
  4. What is the allocation for maternal kits distribution in the Jharkhand Budget 2024-25?
    • A) Rs 60 crore
    • B) Rs 70 crore
    • C) Rs 80 crore
    • D) Rs 90 crore
    • Answer: D) Rs 90 crore
  5. How many block-level leader schools are set to open as per the Jharkhand Budget 2024-25?
    • A) 200
    • B) 250
    • C) 325
    • D) 400
    • Answer: C) 325
  6. What is the budget allocation for SC-ST and minority communities’ welfare in the Jharkhand Budget 2024-25?
    • A) Rs 2523.55 crore
    • B) Rs 3023.55 crore
    • C) Rs 3523.55 crore
    • D) Rs 4023.55 crore
    • Answer: C) Rs 3523.55 crore
  7. How much free electricity per month is provided to over 19 lakh households in the Jharkhand Budget 2024-25?
    • A) 75 units
    • B) 100 units
    • C) 125 units
    • D) 150 units
    • Answer: C) 125 units
  8. What is the envisioned economic goal for Jharkhand by 2030 as per the Jharkhand Budget 2024-25?
    • A) Rs 5 trillion economy
    • B) Rs 7 trillion economy
    • C) Rs 10 trillion economy
    • D) Rs 12 trillion economy
    • Answer: C) Rs 10 trillion economy
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