Jharkhand’s State Level Word Power Championship

In an exemplary effort to foster English literacy among the younger generation, the School Education and Literacy Department of the Jharkhand Government, in collaboration with Leap for Word, organized a State Level Word Power Championship. This event stands as a testament to the commitment towards enhancing the educational standards and verbal competencies of children from government schools across the state.

Empowering the Youth through Literacy

  • Objective: The championship aimed at providing a competitive platform for students from classes 2 to 5 to showcase their proficiency in English, covering a range of challenges from spelling difficult words to constructing sentences and paragraphs.
  • Participation and Process: A total of 24 children from 12 districts participated in this challenging competition, demonstrating their verbal skills and knowledge of the English language. The event saw participation from key figures such as Umashankar Singh, Secretary of the School Education and Literacy Department, along with other dignitaries and educators from across the state.

Championship Highlights and Winners

The competition was fierce, with participants solving English words, sentences, and paragraphs to the best of their abilities. The winners earned the opportunity to represent Jharkhand at the National Word Power Championship to be held in Mumbai, promising further glory and recognition on a national stage.

State Support and Recognition

  • Meritorious Achievements: Highlighting the state’s support, Aditya Ranjan, the Director of the State Education Project Council, mentioned that the victorious children would be sent to Mumbai in a chartered plane, with all expenses, including accommodation and food, covered by the state.
  • Future Prospects: In addition to celebrating the current achievements, there was an announcement about organizing an Inter School Vocational and ICT Competition among all state government schools in August, further encouraging the spirit of learning and competition among students.


The State Level Word Power Championship not only highlighted the linguistic talents of the participants but also underscored the importance of governmental and institutional support in nurturing these skills. As these young minds prepare for their next challenge at the national level, they carry with them not just the hopes of their schools and families but also the pride of Jharkhand.

Also Read: Savitribai Phule Kishori Samriddhi Yojana

झारखंड सरकार के स्कूल शिक्षा और साक्षरता विभाग ने लीप फॉर वर्ड के सहयोग से एक राज्य स्तरीय शब्द शक्ति चैम्पियनशिप का आयोजन किया। इस प्रतियोगिता में कक्षा 2 से 5 तक के 24 बच्चों ने भाग लिया और अपने शब्द ज्ञान का प्रदर्शन किया।

विजेताओं को मुंबई में होने वाली राष्ट्रीय शब्द शक्ति चैम्पियनशिप में भाग लेने का अवसर मिलेगा, जिसके सभी खर्चे राज्य सरकार वहन करेगी। इस आयोजन में अधिकारीयों और शिक्षकों ने भी भाग लिया और विजेता बच्चों को सम्मानित किया। इसके अलावा, अगस्त में सभी सरकारी स्कूलों के बीच एक इंटर स्कूल व्यावसायिक और आईसीटी प्रतियोगिता के आयोजन की घोषणा की गई।

MCQs Based on the State Level Word Power Championship

  1. What was the main aim of the State Level Word Power Championship?
    • A) To compete in mathematics
    • B) To enhance English literacy among children
    • C) To select students for sports events
    • D) To promote science education
    • Answer: B) To enhance English literacy among children
  2. How many children participated in the competition?
    • A) 12
    • B) 24
    • C) 30
    • D) 36
    • Answer: B) 24
  3. Who will cover the expenses for the winners attending the National Championship in Mumbai?
    • A) Parents
    • B) Schools
    • C) The State
    • D) Leap for Word
    • Answer: C) The State
  4. What future event was announced during the program?
    • A) National Science Fair
    • B) State-Level Art Contest
    • C) Inter School Vocational and ICT Competition
    • D) Annual Sports Meet
    • Answer: C) Inter School Vocational and ICT Competition
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