Jharkhand’s Missing Billions: A Financial Conundrum

In an alarming revelation, the Jharkhand government is grappling with the mysterious disappearance of ₹3078 crores from its treasury. A further ₹411 crores allocated for rural development cannot be accounted for. This financial debacle has triggered a thorough investigation, spotlighting issues of governance and financial management within the state apparatus.

The Missing Billions

  • Unaccounted Advances: The vanished funds were advanced for governmental operations, leaving officials in a quandary about who withdrew them and their current status.
  • Rural Development Discrepancy: An astonishing ₹411 crores meant for rural development has similarly vanished without a trace.

The Investigation Unfolds

  • Financial Inquiry: The Finance Department has initiated a probe demanding explanations for these unauthorized withdrawals.
  • Accountability Measures: The process involves scrutinizing the Abstract Contingent (AC) bills and ensuring the submission of Utilization Certificates, aimed at safeguarding against financial mismanagement.

The Root of the Problem

  • A Historical Issue: For over 23 years, officials have bypassed regulations, withdrawing advance amounts without settling accounts.
  • A Growing Concern: Initially reported by the Accountant General as a ₹5033 crores deficit, efforts have been made to adjust ₹1424 crores, with an ongoing process to reconcile an additional ₹531 crores.

Government’s Response

  • Committee for Resolution: The Finance Department has instructed the formation of committees at senior official levels to address and monitor the reconciliation of the Detailed Contingent (DC) bills.
  • Future Measures: The government is poised to recover the unaccounted funds, with potential action against officials failing to justify the expenditures.

Understanding AC and DC Bills

  • Abstract Contingent (AC) Bill: Enables advance withdrawal for essential purposes under specific conditions.
  • Detailed Contingent (DC) Bill: Submits evidence and details of the expenditures incurred from the advanced amount.

What Lies Ahead?

  • Pressuring for Accountability: The government will demand a detailed account of expenditures from the concerned departments and officials.
  • Legislative Scrutiny: Unrecoverable amounts may be regularized through the Public Accounts Committee, ensuring financial accountability.


The case of the missing billions in Jharkhand is more than a mere financial scandal; it is a testament to the dire need for transparency and accountability in government transactions. As investigations proceed, the outcome will not only impact the financial health of Jharkhand but also set a precedent for governance across states.

MCQs on the Topic

  1. What is the total amount unaccounted for from Jharkhand’s treasury?
    • A) ₹411 crores
    • B) ₹3078 crores
    • C) ₹5033 crores
    • D) ₹1424 crores
    • Answer: B) ₹3078 crores
  2. For how many years have officials been withdrawing advances without accounting for them?
    • A) 10 years
    • B) 23 years
    • C) 15 years
    • D) 30 years
    • Answer: B) 23 years
  3. What financial document is required to justify the expenditure of the advanced amount?
    • A) Utilization Certificate
    • B) Abstract Contingent Bill
    • C) Detailed Contingent Bill
    • D) Expenditure Statement
    • Answer: C) Detailed Contingent Bill
  4. What future action did the Finance Minister of Jharkhand suggest regarding the unaccounted funds?
    • A) Ignoring the issue
    • B) Recovery of the funds
    • C) Increasing the budget
    • D) Dismissing concerned officials
    • Answer: B) Recovery of the funds
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