Jharkhand Weather Alert: IMD Colour Codes

IMD Colour Codes

Navigating Jharkhand’s Weather Alert: The Importance of IMD Colour Codes

With today marking the beginning of significant weather changes across Jharkhand, understanding the India Meteorological Department’s (IMD) colour-coded weather warnings becomes essential. A Yellow Alert has been issued for the state for today, March 30, and tomorrow, March 31, signaling a crucial phase for residents to pay attention to weather forecasts and prepare accordingly.

Decoding IMD IMD Colour Codes Yellow Alert

  • Today’s Weather Forecast: Jharkhand experiences partial cloud cover with dry conditions, setting the stage for the anticipated change.
  • Anticipated Weather Changes: The Yellow Alert indicates that from today onwards, residents should be on the lookout for rain accompanied by thunderstorms, marking a noticeable shift in weather patterns.
  • Specific Areas to Watch: The southern, western, and central regions of Jharkhand are highlighted as areas likely to experience light to moderate rainfall today, with the potential for lightning strikes increasing the urgency for caution.
  • Continued Alert into Tomorrow: The weather warning extends into the last day of March, promising similar conditions with the added expectation of gusty winds, particularly in the southern and central parts of the state.

IMD Colour Codes and What They Mean

Understanding IMD colour code alerts can significantly aid in preparedness:

  • Green: No significant weather disturbances expected.
  • Yellow: Be aware. Weather conditions might change, demanding attention.
  • Orange: Be prepared. Weather conditions could impact significantly, necessitating preparations.
  • Red: Take action. Severe weather conditions expected, requiring immediate action to ensure safety.


The IMD’s Yellow Alert for today and tomorrow in Jharkhand serves as an important reminder for the necessity of staying vigilant and prepared. By understanding the colour-coded warnings and taking appropriate precautions, residents can mitigate the risks posed by adverse weather conditions.

MCQs on IMD Colour Codes

  1. What does the IMD’s Yellow Alert indicate for Jharkhand on March 30 and 31?
    • A) No significant weather changes
    • B) Moderate to severe weather changes requiring attention
    • C) Severe weather conditions requiring immediate action
    • D) Weather conditions are normal, no action needed
    • Answer: B) Moderate to severe weather changes requiring attention
  2. Which parts of Jharkhand are expected to be most affected by the forecasted weather conditions?
    • A) Northern and Eastern parts
    • B) Southern, Western, and Central parts
    • C) Only Northern parts
    • D) The entire state uniformly
    • Answer: B) Southern, Western, and Central parts
  3. What action is advised during a thunderstorm as per the IMD’s guidelines?
    • A) Continue outdoor activities
    • B) Seek shelter in open fields
    • C) Seek shelter indoors and avoid exposed areas
    • D) No specific action needed
    • Answer: C) Seek shelter indoors and avoid exposed areas

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झारखंड में आज से मौसम में बदलाव आ रहा है, जिसके लिए IMD ने 30 और 31 मार्च के लिए पीला अलर्ट जारी किया है। इस अलर्ट का अर्थ है कि बारिश और वज्रपात की संभावना है, विशेष रूप से दक्षिणी, पश्चिमी, और मध्य झारखंड में। IMD Colour Codes अलर्ट्स समझने का महत्व:

  • हरा: सामान्य मौसम, कोई कार्रवाई की आवश्यकता नहीं।
  • पीला: सतर्क रहें। मौसम में बदलाव संभव है।
  • नारंगी: तैयार रहें। मौसम से बड़ा प्रभाव पड़ सकता है।
  • लाल: तुरंत कार्रवाई करें। गंभीर मौसम की स्थिति अपेक्षित है।

पीला अलर्ट यानि सचेत रहें और मौसम के अनुसार तैयारी करें। इस समझ से निवासी आपदा प्रबंधन में बेहतर तरीके से सहायता कर सकते हैं और सुरक्षित रह सकते हैं। इसलिए, मौसम विभाग के अपडेट्स पर नजर रखें और अनुशासन से कार्य करें।

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