Key Highlights from Jharkhand Cabinet Decisions 23 February 2024

The recent meeting of the Jharkhand Cabinet, presided over by CM Champai Soren, witnessed the approval of 29 crucial proposals aimed at advancing the state’s development. Here’s a comprehensive breakdown of the significant Jharkhand Cabinet Decisions taken during the meeting on February 232024.

Electricity Quota Enhancement in Jharkhand Cabinet Decisions

The decision to augment the free electricity quota for residents of Jharkhand marks a significant stride towards enhancing the welfare of the state’s populace. By increasing the monthly allowance from 100 to 125 units, the government aims to alleviate the financial strain on households, particularly those belonging to economically disadvantaged segments. This proactive measure not only ensures access to a basic necessity but also promotes social equity and inclusivity.

Government Employees’ Benefits in Jharkhand Cabinet Decisions

In a demonstration of its commitment to employee welfare and administrative integrity, the Champai Soren administration extended benefits to 102 employees associated with three engineering colleges in Bihar. This decision, prompted by a directive from the esteemed Jharkhand High Court, underscores the government’s adherence to judicial mandates and its resolve to uphold the rights and dignity of public servants. By honoring the court’s ruling, the administration reaffirms its commitment to transparent and accountable governance.

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Legislative Approvals and Institutional Advancements in Jharkhand Cabinet Decisions

The Cabinet’s endorsement of the Bokaro International University Bill 2024 heralds a new era of educational excellence and innovation in Jharkhand. This landmark legislation not only paves the way for the establishment of a world-class educational institution but also positions the state as a hub for cutting-edge research and academic collaboration. Additionally, the creation of 24 new positions for the Jharkhand Bhawan in Delhi underscores the government’s efforts to bolster administrative efficiency and promote inter-state cooperation.

Infrastructure Development and Judicial Reforms in Jharkhand Cabinet Decisions

With a focus on bolstering infrastructure and streamlining judicial processes, the Cabinet approved a slew of proposals aimed at enhancing public services and strengthening institutional frameworks. The creation of judicial positions in Bagodar Sub-Divisional Court and Chakradharpur Court reflects the government’s commitment to expediting legal proceedings and ensuring timely dispensation of justice. Moreover, amendments to the Jharkhand Building Bylaws 2016 signal a proactive approach towards urban development and regulatory reform.

Investment in Public Services and Welfare Programs in Jharkhand Cabinet Decisions

The Cabinet’s deliberations also encompassed vital aspects of public service delivery and social welfare, with approvals granted for strategic investments in key sectors. The procurement of 4G point-of-sale machines for Public Distribution System shops represents a significant leap towards digitization and efficiency enhancement in food distribution networks. Similarly, the provision of tablets to 40 crore Sahiya workers underscores the government’s commitment to leveraging technology for empowering frontline healthcare workers and improving healthcare access in rural areas.


In conclusion, the State Cabinet meeting chaired by Chief Minister Champai Soren exemplifies a proactive approach towards governance and development in Jharkhand. Through strategic policy interventions, institutional reforms, and targeted investments, the government is poised to realize its vision of a prosperous, inclusive, and sustainable future for all residents of the state.

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